Have you ever heard the sound a peacock makes? If not, it's difficult to describe: something between a squawk and a car horn. Despite having played there literally dozens of times, the distinctive cries of the avian inhabitants of Prestonfield House never fail to astonish me.
Today's wedding was beautiful: glorious sunshine and my clarsach, along with the chairs for the ceremony, set out on the lawns, in the dappled shade of a huge tree. The drinks reception which followed took place up on the balcony which leads off from the Tapestry Room, at the front of the venue.
During the ceremony the lovely wee flower-girls ran around amongst the guests. They carried several framed photographs of the couple, which they showed to the bride and groom's friends. The pictures tied in with the story the of how the couple had met, and their journey together so far. This was so much more intimate than a slideshow or powerpoint could ever be - a really lovely touch which I haven't seen before.
During the wedding today I had an idea to have a regular slot in this blog: sharing recent comments about my playing that have either moved me, or made me laugh. Here goes:
Most touching recent comments:
"Your music took me back 25 years to my own wedding day"
and, from a lovely elderly lady, "Both my mother and my sister (who are no longer with us) played the harp; and it was so lovely to hear the beautiful sound of the instrument again."
Most entertaining recent comment:
"It would have been an even better effect if you had played your harp from up that tree."
(I couldn't think of an answer to that one....)
Thanks for reading,