Herewith photos from the recital at Crichton Collegiate Church I wrote about in my blog entry yesterday. The concert was put on as part of Midlothian Heritage Week. A really lovely setting, great acoustic and also my first attempt at playing the harp in Medieval costume. I had to work out how to tie the sleeve ribbons so that they didn't get in the way!
The story-telling by Paul from Edinburgh Christian Heritage was a lovely touch, linking the music to the history and folk-lore of the area. The evening began with a booming and dramatic, "In the mists of time, fire formed Edinburgh and seven hills arose..." Exciting stuff!
In costume at Crichton, with Isolde James-Griffiths (soprano) and her husband, story-teller Paul James-Griffith (as Saint Cuthbert)
A little windswept before the performance!...